While I am constantly reading professional literature and doing the typical activities needed to keep up in my profession all year long, I’ve learned that unless I schedule time into my calendar to work on some particular tasks for my… Continue Reading →
No, not that “F” word. I mean the other “F” word: Fear. I don’t want to minimize that some people might be in a situation where fear of retaliation, fear of sexual harassment, or fear for personal safety is all too… Continue Reading →
I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure of hearing talks by Futurists a few times in my career. Some names I remember are Joan Frye Williams and Stephen Abram. Each time, I remember getting that sick feeling in my gut telling… Continue Reading →
There are many good sources online and in print for advice about what interview questions to prepare for and the best ways to answer them. Instead, I’m going to focus on what it means for our professional and self-development when we take the… Continue Reading →
I like to think I’m pretty coachable. I’ve had many great coaches over the years who helped me learn new skills, hone latent talents, and navigate bumpy transitions. For me, the lessons that landed best were short, easy to remember… Continue Reading →
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